OUR SCHOOL » Rules and Policies

Rules and Policies

Absences & Tardies:
When your child has been absent, please call the office or come into the office upon your child's return, or send a note with your child, to clear the absence (Please keep in mind that not all absences will be excused - see the Parent/Student Handbook, pages 30-32. https://lausd.org/cms/lib/CA01000043/Centricity/Domain/1236/2023-24%20Parent%20Student%20Handbook_Final.pdf). 

If your child is tardy, please check in with the office to clear the tardy and get a tardy slip for the student to take to class (Please keep in mind that not all reasons for being tardy are excused - see the Parent/Student Handbook, pages 30-32.

If you need to pick up your child before the end of school day, your child will be marked as an "early out."  

Whenever your child is absent or tardy, you will receive an automated phone call even if you have called us already to let us know why your child is out for the day.  These calls are generated automatically.  


Bathroom Accidents

We understand that accidents happen.  When a child has a bathroom accident the office staff or nurse will call you to let you know the situation.  For your child’s health and safety reasons, staff will not change or clean your child.  The parent/caregiver or an adult designated by you will need to come to care for this need.  Staff will do their best to keep your child in a safe and clean environment.  Please let us know in advance if your child has any health concerns.  We will do our very best to assist you.


Bus Transportation

Transportation is provided for students if they reside outside of a one mile radius of the school and within the Los Angeles Unified School District boundaries. Transportation is paid for by the Los Angeles Unified School District. Bus routes and stop times are sent to parents from the Transportation Branch the week before school begins in August. Bus stops are at various locations in neighborhoods, such as in front of other LAUSD schools. Routes are based on the address information provided during registration. If you are interested in changing location of bus pick-up or drop-off to a place other than your home address you will need to contact the Transportation Branch directly via https://lausd.org/transportation or through your Parent Portal account.

LAUSD has a safe drop policy. Drivers will not leave students (up to second grade) at bus stops unless an adult is present to receive them. 

Any change to a student's regular bus riding plan must be made in writing to the office.

If you have any problems with bus transportation for your child, please call the bus supervisor, Ms. Tunstall at (310) 826-4394.  If the problem is an emergency, call Dispatch at 1-800-LA-Buses (1-800-522-8737).  You will need to provide them with your child's bus route number.


Cell Phones

Students may use cellular phones before and after school. They must be turned off and in their backpack throughout the school day. If used during the school day, the phone will be taken away and the parent/caregiver will need to pick it up. The school will not investigate lost, stolen or broken cellular phones. 


Dangerous Items

Hazardous items (glue, paint, sharp scissors, laser pointers etc.) must remain at home.  The above items will be taken away and NOT RETURNED unless a parent speaks with the teacher or administrator.  Any student who brings a weapon to school, including a gun, knife, or replica will be suspended from school and expulsion will be considered. 


Students will be expected to take responsibility for their actions which may result in suspension. Such conduct that can result in student suspension include: causing physical injury to others, damaging school property, and habitual profanity. Threats are also taken seriously and may result in suspension.


Dress Code

Students are expected to adhere to the dress code everyday unless otherwise specified. The dress code is navy blue bottoms and either navy or powder blue tops. Your child may also wear any of the Brentwood T-shirts.   Shoes may be any color. No sandals or open-toed shoes allowed.


Electronic Devices


Nintendo switch, DS, iPads, Tablets, and the like are not permitted on campus. The school will not investigate if a student brings any such items to school and they are lost, stolen or broken.


Emergency Cards
Every child must have a emergency card on file at school. It must have up to date phone numbers with trusted individuals who can pick up your child(ren) if you are unavailable. 

It is important that you update changes to phone numbers and/or addresses. This is especially important for school staff to know who your child may be released to in the case of an emergency such as earthquake, fire, etc. 

Click here to fill out a new emergency card online. You can type on directly on the form, print, and send to school with your child(ren). If you have a change of address, please submit a new proof of address (such as electric or gas bill). If you have any questions, please contact the office at (310)846-5631 


Forgotten Items
If your child forgot something at home (homework, lunch, instrument etc.) it can be dropped off in the main office and we will have it delivered to the classroom. PLEASE DO NOT go directly to the classroom without first checking in at the main office.  Items will be delivered before recess. It is school policy to not disturb the classrooms during the first two hours of instruction. 


Lost and Found is located at the entrance between the two main buildings and is cleared out monthly.  Keep in mind that some items may not be found - another student may mistakenly take an item home as many students tend to have very similar/identical brands and sizes.  Please label your child’s items for ease of recovery.  


Health Office

Our campus has a nurse on-site three days a week.  When the nurse is not on campus first aid will be administered by office staff*.


Medication at School
A student who needs to take medication during school hours must have the following:
1. A doctor’s note and written permission from the parent/guardian before medication can be taken at school (forms available in Office).
2. ALL medications must be in original containers to be stored at school.
3. Only adults may bring/drop off medications to school.

***Aspirin, Tylenol, inhalers, cough drops, ointments, antacids (Tums, Rolaids), etc. are considered medication and may not be taken at school without a doctor's note.***

Returning to School After Illness or Injury

A student returning to school with bandages, stitches, splints, casts, crutches, leg brace(s), a wheelchair, etc. must:

1. Have a doctor’s note before returning to school stating: 

  • date student may return
  • restrictions
  • date restrictions are released
  • comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration and Health Services personnel

2. Sit out during play time
A student must have a doctor’s note when returning to school following:

  • a serious or prolonged illness (5 or more school days)
  • an injury
  • surgery
  • other hospitalization
  • conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • strep throat


If Your Child Gets Sick at School 
It’s a must that school staff have up-to-date emergency information on file, including the names and phone numbers of adults authorized to pick up your child if you are unavailable.

If your child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she will need to be picked up promptly (within the hour).

If your child is sent home with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, OR is complaining of a fever, sore throat, severe cough, pink eye, stomach-ache, etc., please keep him/her at home with plenty of bed rest.


*Office staff does not have special medical training and are restricted to administering minor first aid.  Office staff cannot give treatment, diagnose or make decisions regarding illnesses, contagions, medications or possible sprains/fractures.

We thank you and appreciate your cooperation in helping us by follow these procedures.



General school communication is handled through flyers, emails, ClassDojo, Instagram and via this website.  Please be sure to check your child's backpack, turn on your notifications and visit the website often to stay current with school updates.  Please carefully listen to phone messages before calling the school. Remember to have current phone numbers and email addresses on file. 



The main is office open from 7:30AM-4:30PM. No students may be dropped off before that time and students should be picked up promptly after school.  Supervision for students starts at 7:30AM. The Office remains busy and the staff cannot monitor students after school. 


Phone Calls
Students will not be permitted to take calls during instruction time. If you need to get a message to your child, please do so with office staff and it will be delivered to the classroom. 


Early Pick Up
If you need to pick up your child(ren) before the end of school day, when possible, please send a note to the teacher so they're packed and ready when you arrive. Also, please be sure to allow yourself enough time to sign out your child(ren) in the office, it is during this time staff will call the classroom. In order to maximize instructional time, students will not be allowed to wait in the office for your arrival.