OUR SCHOOL » Dress Code

Dress Code

Uniforms and Dress Code


Brentwood students are encouraged to wear a school uniform. Brentwood Science Magnet uniform colors are navy blue and powder blue, and we have added Brentwood t-shirts to the uniform guidelines. Plaid skirts, jumpers and skorts are encouraged. Shoes may be any color.


With the exception of logo items, most of the uniform items under "uniforms" in the "About Us" section can be purchased at stores like Old Navy, Target, Walmart, JCPenny, etc.

If you are unable to purchase your child a uniform, please contact one of our Parent Coordinators.


Dress Code


Students must come to school neat and clean.


Closed toed shoes must be worn, no heels, sandals, skele-toes, wedge shoes, or Crocs are permitted as these pose safety issues.


Heelys and Wheelies (shoes with rollers) are not permitted at school. Students will either be asked to remove the wheels or phone home for a replacement pair of shoes.


Socks must be worn at all times.


Clothing known to represent gang affiliation is prohibited.


Clothing which creates a disruption or is considered offensive is prohibited.


Female students wearing skirts and playing on the apparatus must wear shorts under the skirt.


Caps may be worn on the yard for sun protection. Caps may not to be worn in the classroom or during assemblies.


Hoods on hoodies/sweatshirts may not be worn in classrooms or during assemblies. 


Short shorts, mini skirts, tank tops, midriff tops, and tops with spaghetti straps are prohibited. Straps must be at least 2 inches in width.


Makeup is not to be worn at school or brought to school. 


Artificial and acrylic nails are discouraged. If these types of nails are worn, they must be tastefully polished and of an appropriate length. Students failing to follow these guidelines will be asked to have the nails removed. These nails pose safety issues.


Tattoos are not to be displayed at school. Tattoos need to be in an area that can be covered by a sleeve or a pant leg, etc.


Hoop or dangling earrings and chains are prohibited at school because of safety concerns. Students will be asked to remove the earrings or other jewelry that may pose a risk.


T-shirts with inappropriate words, phrases or pictures are prohibited. Students will be required to change clothes or will be sent home.

We want all of Brentwood's students to be focused on their job of learning. The distraction of attire and accessories deemed unfit for the learning environment will be counterproductive. When students are respectful and responsible in this simple area of their day-to-day appearance they will be successful learners!