STEAM » Arts


Students receive in-house arts and music enrichment classes as well as classes from the district's Arts Program (formerly called Arts Prototype). Students are exposed to music, chorus, orchestra, rhythm, dance, visual and performing arts, and new media art forms. Our programs are unique at a time when budgets for the arts are shrinking in many public schools.


All students at Brentwood receive grade-level instruction in visual arts, either through our district-funded visual arts teacher or through an additional teacher funded by our PTO. 

Students receive a balanced and sequential program of singing, playing instruments, listening to music, improvising and composing, and moving to music.  Also included are learning experiences designed to develop the ability to read music, use the notation and terminology of music, analyze and describe music, make informed evaluations concerning music, and understand music and music practices in relation to history and culture and to other disciplines in the curriculum. 


Any student with at least one year of experience studying an orchestral instrument is welcome to join Brentwood Magnet’s Orchestra.  Students wishing to learn an instrument may apply for Beginning Instruments Class in third grade and progress to Orchestra in fourth grade. Students engage in weekly lessons and most learn using instruments provided by LAUSD.

Brentwood musicians enjoy performing for families and our school community throughout the year.  Many continue to play their instruments in middle school, high school, and beyond. Several former Brentwood instrumentalists have gone on to professional careers in music.